Crow creek sioux Tribe
PO BOX 547
tribal enrollment guidelines
CCST Enrollment Guidelines
General Provisions
1) The Enrollment Committee and Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) shall maintain all records related to enrollment is in strict confidence and disclose information only to the Tribal Council who may need to act on a request.
2) An applicant must submit all documents related to enrollment to the Tribal Enrollment Committee who shall review and make its recommendation to the Tribal Council.
3) The 1962 Crow Creek Base Roll shall be the primary document for establishing tribal blood degree. Deviations from the blood degree recorded on the 1962 Roll shall take place only when the blood quantum is incorrect.
4) The term “Applicant” also means parent, guardian, or representative when appropriate.
5) Proof of Indian blood other than Crow Creek Sioux shall be established only from official documentation from the other federally recognized Tribe.
6) The Crow Creek Sioux Tribal Constitution requires applicants to be “Born of a Member” of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe. For enrollment purposes, a deceased individual is a member of Crow Creek if enrolled with the Tribe at the time of Death.
7) Any individual requests for enrollment information must do so in writing or in person.
Applicant Responsibilities
The applicant must provide all necessary documentation and information to show eligibility to be enrolled with the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe.
1) Enrollment Application
A. A notarized application for enrollment must be signed by:
I. Applicant if he or she is 18 years-of-age or older.
II. Custodial parent or legal guardian of a minor child.
1. Both living birth mother and birth father must sign enrollment application for child to ensure both natural parents agree on enrollment action for the child.
2. Applicant must provide court order establishing legal guardianship or custody if sole custody.
III. Legal guardian for an adult who has been legally determined to be in need of assistance.
1. Guardian must provide court order establishing legal guardianship.
2) Birth Certificate
A. A state-issued birth certificate for the applicant
I. An applicant who was adopted must provide documentation that clearly establishes at least one of the birth parents is a member of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe.
B. In the event the father is not listed on the birth certificate and is deceased, it is the applicant’s responsibility to provide the necessary documentation to clearly establish who is the applicant’s biological father. Documentation includes a paternity affidavit or a court order establishing paternity.
3) Paternity Affidavit (If Necessary)
A. A paternity affidavit signed by both the putative father and the mother if the father is not listed on the birth certificate and the father’s Indian blood is to be included in calculating the applicant’s blood quantum. Both the birth mother and birth father are required to sign the paternity affidavit.
B. In the event there is both a birth certificate with a listed father and a signed paternity affidavit that identifies someone else as the father, the birth certificate will control. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have any errors on an official birth record corrected.
C. In the event Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) records show that someone other than the individual listed either on the birth certificate or a paternity affidavit is the probable biological father, the DNA records will control. Applicant will be required to have the birth record corrected before an application for enrollment will be reviewed by the enrollment committee.
Enrollment Effective Date
1) The effective date of enrollment with the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe is the date the Tribal Council passes the resolution approved the application.
Relinquishment from the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe
1) Applicant submits a voluntary relinquishment request.
A. When an applicant requests relinquishment in order to enroll with another tribe, the enrollment committee will present request to the Crow Creek Tribal Council only after the other tribe provides written assurance of eligibility to enroll with that tribe.
2) All relinquishments are effective the day the tribe passes the resolution approving of request.
3) Anyone who wants to re-enroll with the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe after relinquishing from Crow Creek must submit a new application for enrollment.
4) The Crow Creek Sioux Tribe will not approve a relinquishment for a tribal member less than 18 years-of-age unless the relinquishment request is submitted by bother natural or adoptive parents or by a legally-appointed guardian.
Dual Enrollment
1) Any person dually enrolled with the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe and another Tribe has 120 days from the date of notice of the dual enrollment to provide to the Crow Creek Enrollment Committee documentation showing that the person has either relinquished or is in the process of relinquishing from the other Tribe, otherwise, the individual will be disenrolled from the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe.
2) An applicant who is enrolled with another Tribe at the time of application for enrollment with Crow Creek must ensure the Enrollment Committee receives documentation from the other Tribe showing relinquishment once completed.
Blood Quantum Changes
1) If an enrolled member requests a blood quantum change, it is the member’s responsibility to provide documentation that clearly and objectively evidences that a blood degree change is warranted.